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Mental Health Charter

At Origin Care, we recognise the profound impact our dedicated team of Personal Care Assistants (PAs) have on the lives of individuals with spinal injuries. Alongside this commitment, we understand the unique mental health challenges faced by our PAs. This charter outlines our unwavering support for their mental well-being.


Our Commitment:

We commit to fostering a culture of understanding and awareness around mental health issues. Regular training will be conducted to educate you about mental health, stress management, and self-care techniques.

Supportive Work Environment: We will ensure a supportive and safe work environment where you feel valued and respected. This includes fair workload distribution, adequate rest periods, and a zero-tolerance policy towards any form of harassment or discrimination.

Open Communication: We encourage open communication about mental health. PAs should feel comfortable discussing their mental health without fear of judgement or repercussions. Regular check-ins will be instituted to offer opportunities for you to share your experiences and seek support.

Work-Life Balance: Recognising the importance of work-life balance, we will implement flexible scheduling where possible and encourage staff to take their entitled leave to rest and rejuvenate.

Continuous Improvement: We are committed to the continuous improvement of our mental health support. Feedback from PAs will be actively sought and used to enhance and tailor our mental health initiatives.

Access to Mental Health Resources: If at any time you feel you are struggling personally and would benefit from a wellbeing
meeting, please inform your Care Manager, and they will liaise with Jo and find a time to chat that works for you.

Our Promise:

We promise to treat mental health with the same importance as physical health. We acknowledge that caring for others requires PAs to be mentally and emotionally strong, and we are committed to supporting them in every step of their journey.


How will this work?
PAs will have access to welfare calls with our Client Services Manager, Jo Foot. This will provide the opportunity for you, our PAs, to talk to someone other than a member of the Care Management Team. Jo has a wealth of knowledge in this field and
will not only listen but is able to advise and sign-post any other services that may be of help to you.

Upcoming training dates

  • 17th June - 21st June
  • 29th July - 2nd August 2024
  • 19th August - 23rd August 2024
  • 9th September - 13th September 2024
  • 30th September - 4th October 2024
  • 21st October - 25th October 2024
  • 4th November - 8th November 2024
  • 25th November - 29th November 2024

When you complete your application form, please indicate which course you would like to attend.

If you have any recruitment/training queries, please call John Hardy on: 020 7617 7894 or email: johnhardy@origincare.com.

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